Privacy policy


Cabinet BOISSAVY - ORATORIK, as data controller, collects and processes personal data for the following purposes:

  • The management and monitoring of the services offered on its Website, including :
  • The management and follow-up of subscriptions to the Firm's newsletters and any other mailing of documentation to Site Users by the Firm;
  • Management and follow-up of subscriptions to the Atelier L'art de l'advocay run by the firm;
  • Event calendar management ;
  • Managing requests for consultations, appointments or quotes;
  • The management of the Firm's service proposals to Users who have transmitted their correspondence data in order to receive information from the Firm.
  • Management of Cabinet Users' accounts ;
  • The management of the invoicing of Users who have paid for services offered by the Site;
  • Analysis and measurement of site traffic.

Data collection is limited to the information required to fulfill these purposes.

Mandatory data are indicated as such on the collection forms, and the consequences of failure to reply are specified in the questionnaire in question.

This data is intended for all authorized persons within the firm and for any subcontractors.

The data is kept for a period determined as follows:

  • Management and follow-up of subscriptions to the Firm's newsletters or following a User's request to receive documentation from the Firm: up to the request to unsubscribe;
  • Event calendar management: 6 months from the event;
  • Management of requests for consultations, appointments or estimates: until the end of the legal retention period for a Customer's data if an assignment is entrusted to the Firm, or 1 year after the request for consultation, appointment or estimate if the User has not become a Customer of the Firm;
  • Site User account management: account activation period ;
  • Management of the invoicing of Users who have made payments for services offered by the Site: legal duration imposed by the tax authorities;
  • Analysis and measurement of site traffic: maximum 13 months from filing.

The data collected is also used to prevent and combat fraud, particularly credit card fraud. The Firm reserves the right to verify the personal data communicated by the User when placing an order for a consultation, a service or an appointment, and to adopt all measures deemed necessary to verify that the person whose bank account is debited is indeed the person who placed the order, in order to avoid any fraudulent payment. This verification may take the form of a request for proof of identity and address.

The data collected when making an appointment via the site is recorded and processed by BREVO( and any appointment made by the Site User implies his/her agreement to this recording and processing by BREVO.


Persons concerned by the processing of personal data by the Firm have the right to query, access, rectify and object on legitimate grounds to all data concerning them.

Data subjects have the right to restrict processing.

Data subjects also have the right to formulate specific and general directives concerning the retention, deletion and communication of their post-mortem data.

The communication of specific post-mortem directives and the exercise of their rights can be made by sending a letter by post to the following address: ORATORIK - Boissavy, 222, boulevard Saint-Germain 75007 Paris.

Requests made in this way must be accompanied by a copy of an identity document in order to be considered by the Cabinet.

Data subjects also have the right to lodge a complaint with the national data protection authority.


Users are informed that, when visiting the site, cookies may be automatically installed on their browser.

In order to make the Site's services more efficient, you are informed that the Site uses cookies or other tracers.

During your visits to the Cabinet Site, these may be installed on your terminal subject to the choices and options you have expressed or may express at any time in accordance with this policy.

In the interests of information and transparency, the firm has drawn up this policy to enable you to find out more about :

  • the origin and purpose of the information processed when you browse the site;
  • your rights regarding cookies and other tracers used by Cabinet.

What is a cookie?

Cookies, or similar tracers, are data used by a server to send status information to a user's browser, and by that browser to send status information back to the originating server.

Status information can be, for example, a session identifier, a language, an expiration date, a response domain, etc.

During their period of validity, cookies store status information when a browser accesses different pages on a website, or when the browser returns to the website at a later date.

Only the sender of a cookie can read or modify the information it contains.

There are different types of cookies:

  • session cookies, which are temporary and deleted as soon as you leave your browser or the site,
  • permanent cookies, which remain on your terminal until their lifetime expires or until you delete them using your browser's functions.

Why use cookies?

We use cookies and other trackers for the following main purposes:

  • to measure and analyze the audience and your browsing on our site, in particular for the purpose of improving our services;
  • count visitors and identify how they use the site;
  • count and differentiate visits;
  • identify the website or search engine that brought you to our site;
  • manage your user session ;
  • save your cookie choices ;
  • adapt the display and optimize the user experience according to your preferences;
  • implement safety measures.


The installation of certain cookies, when their sole purpose is not to enable or facilitate electronic communication or when they are not strictly necessary for the provision of an online communication service at your request, is subject to your consent.

Therefore, when you first visit the site, you will be informed by a banner that if you continue browsing, you accept the installation of these cookies on your equipment. A cookie will be installed to remember your choice. Please note, however, that if you delete this cookie, your consent will be requested again.

You can change your mind at any time:

  • or by deleting the refusal cookie ;
  • or by the various means described in the section "Delete and/or reject cookies".

How do I manage cookies?

You have several options for deleting and/or rejecting cookies and other tracers.


While most browsers are set to accept cookies by default, you can set your browser to accept or reject the installation or use of cookies, or to choose which cookies you accept, depending on the sender. You can click on your browser's "Help" menu to find out how to modify your cookie preferences.

You can also set your browser to accept or reject cookies on a case-by-case basis before they are installed. You can also regularly delete cookies from your terminal via your browser. Don't forget to configure all the browsers on your various terminals (tablets, smartphones, computers, etc.).

The configuration of each browser is different. Here are the main sites to help you configure your browser:

for Microsoft Edge™: http: //

for Safari™: https: //

for Chrome™:

for Opera™: http: //

The main websites to help you set up your smartphone :

  • iOS: http: //
  • Android: https: //

The recording of a cookie in your terminal is essentially subject to your wishes, which you can express and modify at any time and free of charge through the choices offered to you by your browser software.

The Terms and Conditions of Use set out the terms of use of the Site. The Privacy Policy document sets out the management of personal data and cookies.

Publisher: ORATORIK - BOISSAVY, a limited liability company with capital of 50,000 euros registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number 799 432 695

Director of the publication and holder of the intellectual property rights for the elements of the site: Matthieu Boissavy, Avocat au barreau de Paris - 222, boulevard Saint-Germain 75007 Paris.

Photo credits: MB portraits © Denis Felix 2011 sur page and Sanfaute 2022, others © Shutterstock, Unplash or Adobe Stock

Site design and production: EASYWEB

Any reproduction, representation or adaptation of elements of the site is subject to the prior written consent of the publisher, except for individual private use.

Hosting provider: WEBFLOW

Personal data

In accordance with the European General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (RGPD) and the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, amended in 2018, site users who have transmitted their data have the right to access, limit, rectify, delete or erase their personal data. You are informed that the personal data you communicate, in particular by filling in the forms present on the site, are intended for ORATORIK. It may be processed by external service providers solely to enable ORATORIK to carry out its activities. To request modification, rectification or deletion of your personal data, simply send a letter by e-mail (using the contact form) or post to the publication manager, providing proof of your identity.

The publication of this site is subject to French law. Consultation of the site and transmission of data by the Internet user to the publisher imply acceptance of the application of French law and the jurisdiction of the courts of Paris.

The firm's Privacy Policy sets out how personal data is managed.

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