
Arts, culture & law
Art law & IP

Arts, Publishing & Production - Art and intellectual property law

  • Counterfeiting, parasitism

  • Contractual breaches in publishing and production contracts, assignment of intellectual property rights

  • Forgery, fraud and deception

  • Return of cultural goods

  • Responsibility of art market players

    #ArtLaw #ArtMarket #Arts #Archeology #CulturalProperty #Restitution #Publishing #Production #Falsification #Trompery #PI #Copyright

Case studies

Case studies

Defending a State victim of cultural property theft

Decision: Conviction of fence and restitution of stolen goods

Defending a publisher who has been the victim of an act of counterfeiting

Decision: Conviction of the infringer

Defense of a communications agency sued for counterfeiting

Decision : Relaxation of the agency

Defense of a voluntary auction house in an action for annulment of an auction sale

Decision: Favourable to the auction house

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