
Personality rights & freedom of expression

Criminal procedure - civil procedure - administrative procedure - commercial procedure - ARPP - ARCOM - Protection of reputation

  • Infringement of personality rights and press offenses (defamation, insult, privacy, invasion of privacy, right to image, name, presumption of innocence, harassment, online hate, provocation)

  • E-reputation, disparagement

  • Media, communications and advertising law

  • Responsibility of media and social network market players

  • Litigation on the management of personal data - RGPD

    #Internet #NewTechnologies #Press #Media #Journalists #Presslaw #EReputation #Reputation #Privacy #Righttolimage #Presumptionofinnocence

Case studies

Case studies

Defending a mayor sued for libel

Decision: Relaxation and conviction of the civil parties

Defending an actress sued for defamation in a #MeeToo case

Decision : Relaxation

Defense of a teacher-researcher victim of a defamation lawsuit

Decision: Relaxation and conviction of the civil parties

Defending a researcher sued for libel

Decision : Relaxation

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